Whether home is an apartment downtown, or a group setting in a neighborhood, it should be the most comfortable place for a person. At Monarch, we believe that a person’s home should reflect their personal taste, interests and style. When people live together, the relationships of the housemates should be positive and healthy. We maximize staff at Monarch homes ensuring that all safety, comfort and needs are met. Monarch homes offer the chance to take in a movie at a theater, try a pottery class or simply take an evening walk with family through the neighborhood—and many people supported by Monarch regularly enjoy day trips and vacations.
Monarch does not provide affordable, low-income, or emergent housing and does not provide rent or mortgage assistance. Our residential services listed below are for individuals with an intellectual/developmental disability or mental illness who need daily supports in a residential setting. Please reference the FAQ section below for additional details on funding and eligibility. Residential openings can be viewed using the button.
If you aren’t yet ready to apply, simply click the Information Request button above for more information. If you are ready to apply, click the Ready to Apply button above for instructions.
Take a Virtual Tour!
Tour one of our mental health group home, which will also give you an idea of what our I/DD group homes, ICFs and Prader–Willi group homes may be like, as they are similar.
The highest level of care Monarch provides in a group home setting including the integration of physical health services such as nursing, physical and occupational therapy, and physician oversight along with other residential services. Staff provide 24/7 supervision and support.
Long-term group homes with varying levels of care and options for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities, mental illness or both. Staffed 24/7 by caring direct support professionals.
The lowest level of residential care Monarch provides for people with intellectual/developmental disabilities, mental illness, or both who do not require 24-hour staff support, but do need minimal guidance to ensure successful independent living.
Monarch offers two group homes dedicated to supporting the unique needs of individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome, a complex genetic disorder. Homes are located in Stanly and Cabarrus counties.
In an AFL setting, people with intellectual and developmental disabilities reside within the home of a host family who has been licensed to provide them with services and support.
Please complete the information request form to receive details on our residential services. If you have additional questions, please call Monarch’s Call Center at (866) 272-7826.
The first step toward admission to any of our Long-Term Services and Supports is to complete and submit the Information Request Form as well as to provide all necessary supporting documentation, the process moves through the steps below.
Please be aware that the admission process can take up to 30 days. It can vary based on the MCO and if the site is owned by Arc/HDS (HUD). We appreciate your patience during this process.
Our services are funded through a combination of the following:
The NC Medicaid Innovations Waiver is a federally funded waiver that is designed to meet the needs of children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) by providing supports in their home or community environment instead of in an institutional setting. Innovations Waiver services are person-centered and cover a variety of services to the person with I/DD. The North Carolina General Assembly decides how many people can receive Innovations Waiver services. The waiting lists for the Innovations Waiver are managed by a person’s local Managed Care Organization (MCO). Though not required for all services, Monarch utilizes the Innovations Waiver to provide supports to many people in our residential, day program and community-based service settings. To be placed on the waiting list for the NC Innovations Waiver, please contact your local MCO.
Absolutely! Monarch encourages involvement and support from family members and friends. Visits are welcome at any time during reasonable hours. The people we support are also allowed “Therapeutic Leave” as an opportunity for overnight visits with family and friends.
Definitely! Monarch encourages each individual to practice their religious and cultural beliefs and traditions as they wish.
No. While Monarch can support your mental health needs in any of our outpatient offices, you have the freedom to choose where you would like to receive your mental health services.
Yes. Each of our residential group homes has a land line telephone to make and receive local calls. If you wish to have a cell phone, then you are welcome to have one at your own expense.
When you choose to move into a group home or supervised apartment, this is your new home! You’re welcome to bring your own décor and furniture to make your new space your own. Please remember to bring clothing, toiletries, medications and any other daily necessities. In our group home settings, the bed, nightstand, and dresser are provided. If you are moving into one of our supervised apartments, then you will need to also bring all necessary living furniture, food, cookware, dinnerware and kitchen utensils.
These state and community resources may be of assistance in providing information on other affordable housing and residential options.
Monarch is a statewide provider of services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, mental illness and substance use disorders. Search for more information about the support we offer in your area.