Safeguard Your Legacy during National Preparedness Month
Monarch Safety Manager Cathy Herrera, MESH, urges individuals and families to be prepared for natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding that are common in North Carolina in the late summer and fall.
September is National Preparedness Month and serves as a reminder for everyone to be prepared within their homes, businesses and communities. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) theme for 2022 is “A Lasting Legacy.” During this year’s National Preparedness Month, efforts will focus on “preparing for disasters to create a lasting legacy for you and your family.”
“We have become accustomed to incorporating safety measures into our everyday lives because of COVID, but we should keep in mind our state’s risk of natural disasters like flooding and hurricanes increases during this time of year,” Cathy reminds.
Cathy and Tameca Barron, administrative assistant, Performance Improvement, are part of the state’s Functional Assessment Support Team (FAST), through North Carolina’s Emergency Management. This team is made up of professionals and community members assisting local government agencies providing access and functional needs during an emergency.
For this year, FEMA suggests knowing which types of disasters can affect the community in which you live and how you and your family can work to be prepared such as creating a plan, having a common meeting place following an emergency and receiving digital alerts from local and national agencies.
FEMA suggests taking the following steps to prepare for any emergency.
Step 1: Putting a simple plan together is the first step.
Discuss with your family, friends and household how to receive emergency warnings, as well as a shelter plan and evacuation route alternatives. Click here to review step-by-step instructions on how to create an emergency plan for your family.
Step 2: Consider any needs specific to your household.
As you prepare your plan, tailor safeguards and supplies to your daily living needs and responsibilities. Discuss how your family, loved ones and natural supports can assist each other with communication, care of children, business, pets or operating medical equipment. If needed, create a personal network for areas in which you anticipate needing assistance.
Visit here to learn how to stay updated through local alerts and warnings.
Step 3: Practice your plan with your family and anyone who lives within your household.
It might take a little maneuvering, but it is helpful to take the time run through your emergency plan to see if there are any areas that need addressed prior to an actual emergency. Visit here for 12 important ways to prepare.
Cathy said that when assembling this year’s emergency plan and kit, families should include key items for the safety of all in their family or for themselves. “Take extra measures to ensure that you and your family are well prepared before a disaster to include extra food, water and medications, along with extra personal protective equipment (PPE) including facemasks and cleaning supplies. Be aware and know your community’s disaster plan and how to access resources to the shelters,” she suggested.
Review and Consult Safety Resources
Monarch offers emergency preparedness and response information for a variety of situations in addition to resources. Online resources are available that offer emergency preparedness plans. Visit the following websites for more information and resources:
Posted on: Tuesday August 30, 2022