Monarch Named a Middle Market Leader by the Charlotte Business Journal

Monarch has been named a Middle Market Leader by the Charlotte Business Journal. The publication identified local, middle-market companies that play a critical role in the Charlotte region’s economy. They measured revenue growth, job creation and economic impact of companies throughout the Charlotte area with annual revenue between $50 million and $2 billion. Monarch joins 21 other companies from 16 area counties. Annual revenue figures were verified by accounting firm Elliott Davis.
“We started out in 1958 as a small organization serving one county. Today, we provide greater support for people with disabilities and behavioral healthcare needs statewide. Our growth was necessary to meet an important need within the communities we serve,” said Dr. Peggy Terhune, Monarch’s President and Chief Executive Officer.
“Growing a business that now serves approximately 30,000 people annually and employs 1,800 teammates statewide is fulfilling. This recognition is a win for us all.”
The Charlotte Business Journal will feature Monarch and other Middle Market Leaders on August 16, 2019. After that, the honorees will be recognized during two events in uptown Charlotte next month.
Posted on: Wednesday July 10, 2019